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Living Water - PURPLE Clergy Stole for Lent
‘Living Water’ is imagery that has always spoken of quenching the thirst we feel for knowing the peace, love and mercy of God. It is especially poignant as we live into a time of volatile climate events.
Jesus meets the woman at the well and the conversation about water becomes metaphorical: “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life” (John 4: 13-14). There are many other scriptures centering around water and how crucial it is to abundant life.
As we seek to live a faithful life, to find this living water, we need sustenance for the journey, because it is a constant saying ‘yes’ to engage in a path of uncertainty, challenge, unknowing, loss, and constant process. As we give our ‘yes’ and endure these things, we are given God’s love, peace, and abundance springing forth. Which quenches us time and again. On a bad day we are kept from being dehydrated. On a good day we are refreshed, renewed and filled with new and creative perspectives of how to live in love and peace in a world that is not easy.
The design is a series of curved, falling lines like flowing water. There is brightness which reminds us we have hope and love and Jesus to draw on as our living water while we journey through liturgical seasons and life’s seasons.